
Tourismus sw_weiss

At DreamAlive you are on your own. The Sleep Lodge is located on a private and very spacious site next to a fish pond.

The lodge is cleaned and disinfected before and after the stay.

Meals can be taken to DreamAlive Lodge or delivered. You can also have breakfast at the hotel or enjoy the 5-course dinner menu.

More than 200 km of marked hiking trails, extensive outdoor activities, bathing lakes, wellness and SPA facilities on 2,000 m².

fall asleep outdoors

Whoever sits in a glass house may reach for the stars

The new DreamAlive Sleep Lodge is unique in its kind. The first mobile and self-sufficient 360-degree glazed hotel room. Minimalist in its form and equipped with the most modern standards. In addition to the infrastructure with table, refrigerator, shower, WC, it has a unique sleeping concept from SAMINA, which increases the quality of sleep even further. At will, the bed can be positioned with the simplest methods, both under the glass roof and on the terrace.

Vital Oasis

If it can be a little more


Under the moon or in the restaurant.


Living in harmony with nature



Experiences and stories from DreamAlive Schwyz

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The DreamAlive Sleep Lodge will be available exclusively for 100 guests in summer 2021.


Frequently asked questions and answers

Covid-19 first made us realise how special it is to be able to take time off. Of course, we have dealt with the new standards and created optimal results, which make a trip easy & safe. All reservations made from 20.12.2020 onwards can be cancelled free of charge up to 48 hours before arrival if you are unable to arrive due to one of these reasons. So don’t worry about your wallet: nothing stands in the way of a booking! We are very flexible and happy to accommodate any changes or cancellations.

In life, there are the very special milestones that accompany and inspire us in our everyday lives. DreamAlive is a concept of love, dreaming and the will to take the next step. We would be happy to support you on your journey to the next step. Please inform us about this at least 4 weeks before booking and we will be happy to advise you about the many possibilities!

When booking via the DreamAlive homepage, breakfast is included as standard. We are happy to prepare a personal breakfast basket by arrangement the day before. Otherwise, you can explore the rich breakfast buffet at the Hotel Alpenresort Walsertal.

In addition, there is the possibility to personally savour the individual DreamAlive Moments in one’s own interest. There are both free offers and any additional services, which can be added at the time of booking or booked on site.

Of course, in the production of our lodges we have taken care to combine both the best and the safest materials. In order to be closest to nature, we have chosen glass. Despite the supposed transparency, these special windows all have privacy and sun protection. In addition, the lodges are located in supposedly remote places. Therefore, the areas around the lodge are usually not accessible to external visitors, or not heavily frequented. It is possible to sleep in the lodge as well as outside the lodge with the help of the movable bed.

DreamAlive is wellness for your soul, the spirit, but above all a night in the moment. The DreamAlive Sleep Lodge already offers some possibilities to indulge in inner balance. Those who want to engage in a more intensive, physical examination of their own body have the option of booking the wellness experience in the partner hotel or choosing the all-inclusive experience directly.

Dancing in the rain is probably one of the things that is on almost every “to do” list. In fact, rain is not a problem for the lodge. In case of rain, the bed of the Sleep Lodge can easily be moved under the glass roof. So it is possible to spend the night in DreamAlive even in bad weather. When the sun shines, the mechanism can be operated again with just a few buttons so that the bed moves under the open sky.

The booking conditions vary from location to location. You can find more information on the respective page of our destinations at the bottom; or specifically within the booking window.

DreamAlive Großes Walsertal

Airport Zurich

Airport Innsbruck

Airport Innsbruck

Reports about DreamAlive Schwyz





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DremAlive Winter

Leave us your email address and we will add you to the guest list for the winter season. As soon as the lodge can be booked you will receive a message from us. Ready for Winter Wonderland?


Wir fahren zu zweit die Bergstraßen entlang, vorbei an den saftig grünen Wiesen. Blicken in die Ferne über Gipfel und Täler. Wir sind angekommen! So weit weg von Zuhause überkommt mich ein Gefühl von Geborgenheit. Ich kann mich fallen lassen.

Voller Vorfreude lächle ich zu Valentin und wir entschließen uns, uns gleich auf den Weg zu machen. An der Rezeption bekommen wir noch zwei Taschenlampen mit auf den Weg. Wir hätten auch zum DreamAlive gefahren werden können. Haben uns dann aber für die zehn minütigen Fußweg entschieden. Nach jedem Schritt löste sich die Anspannung und die Vorfreude wird größer. 

Hier sind wir nun, unser DreamAlive. Ich betrete die erste Stufe, der Raum erleuchtet. Daraufhin beginnt ein Lichtspiel und der Raum leuchtet in einem rötlichen Licht. Ich öffne die Flasche Rotwein, welche für uns in der Küche bereitgestellt wurde. Wir plaudern noch ein bisschen über das Leben und unsere gemeinsame Zeit. Eingekuschelt unter der Bettdecke, tauche ich schließlich, in meine Gedankenwelt ein. Über dem Lichtermeer und unter den tausenden Sternen fühle ich mich ganz unscheinbar und klein. Meine Augen werden schwerer und ich schlafe langsam ein. 

Die ersten Sonnenstrahlen erleuchten das Tal und wecken mich sanft aus meinem Traum. Valentin schläft noch etwas länger. Die Bettdecke fühlt sich angenehm warm und trocken an. Ich stehe langsam auf, berühre mit meinen Füßen den warmen Holzboden. Was sich wohl im Früstückskorb befindet? Wir rufen in der Küche an und erzählen von unseren Wünschen. Kurze Zeit später werden wir von frischen Früchten, frischem Brot und weiteren köstlichkeiten Überrascht.

Das Frühstück in der freien Natur, Vogelgezwitscher, der Duft der Tannen und der Gräser ergibt eine einzigartige Stimmung. Die morgendliche Bergkulisse ist einfach sensationell, und lässt uns nicht los. Nach dem Frühstück beschliessen wir unsere Wanderschuhe anzuziehen und eine größere Runde zu gehen, bevor wir uns auf den Weg ins Hotel machen um uns in der Wellnesslandschaft zu entspannen.